An Ode to Twerk Videos

   If only you fuckers could see the smile on my face as I write this. I can’t say there has ever been a more impactful trend than what is currently going on now in cyberspace, TWERK VIDEOS.  This is extremely hard for me to write, try to imagine a person who has just obtained sight attempting to describe their first sunset or a person who has just lost their virginity. No matter how much you try to explain it, you know that no words can ever measure up to how you truly feel. In this here blog post I will try to do best to sum up what twerk videos means to me.
   For you people that still have dial-up internet and don’t know what twerk videos are; they are videos of women shaking their ass on camera, I repeat it’s women shaking their ass on camera FOR FREE. It that doesn’t make you wanna just go and youtube and watch every twerk video, then we can no longer be friends.  
   These here twerk videos have spread like a wild epidemic, the closet thing I can think of comparing this to would be yoga pants and then multiply that by 10. I remember when yoga pants first started, I thought to myself “Shawn these can’t possibly stay in fashion, so you must look at every ass you can while the getting still good” well obviously I was wrong.
    Twerking is great but there is something that I dont believe gets enough recognition, the fact that everyone is doing it. The days are far gone where you are able to look down upon someone for shaking their ass because chances are you know someone who has published  a twerk video. The average person would assume that only the most ratchet of ratchet would engage in such activities, butt boy are you wrong.  Of course you will find videos from your everyday hood booger but you will also find our innocent Disney Channel characters such as Hannah Montana and Ashely Tisdale shaking their ass on the internet. Students from San Diego even got suspended for making their own twerk videos; that just infuriates me, who the fuck is the school board of San Diego to say how these beautiful women can or can not express themselves. 
   I'm going to try and end this homage to twerk videos in the most positive of ways. I know that I sounded like an ass throughout this entire spiel and trust me that was not my intention but I knew I had to be honest. To keep up with my honesty I must take my hat off to the women who show the courage to upload twerk videos. I can imagine that it takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there for the entire world to view and most importantly judge.  That’s something I don’t think I can see myself doing. So please, please, please don’t let me or the San Diego school board or  your parents or anyone stop you beautiful women from doing whatever it is that makes you feel free, sexy and even a tad bit rebellious. I know I speak for a whole generation of men when I say “Thank You”.  God knows we need more confident women like you in this world. 

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